Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Not your Grandma's scarf.

Over the next few days I am going to blog about either my favorite or some interesting yarns

We are going to start this series with interesting.  These scarves I am going to show you are made with Sullivans Yorganza Fashion Scarf Fabric. As you will see this is a new twist on grandma's old organza scarves.
This is Yorganza in its package.

You use the holes you see above as your stitches.
You can either knit in every hole or every other hole.
There are all sorts of prints. I have chosen to use animal, snake skins and floral prints.
Here are some pictures along with their close ups so you can see the prints a little better.

Here is the black and white animal print.

Here is the close up of the black/white animal print fabric.
Here is the brown/black animal print
Here is the close up of the brown/black animal print
Here is the green snake skin print.
Here is the close up of the green snake skin print
Here is the brown snake skin print
Here is the brown snake skin close up.
Here is the rose print floral fabric.
Keep an eye on our blog this week for more of my favorite yarns.

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